February 2023 Ladies of the Month

For the return of our Lady of the Month articles we have interviewed 3 powerful women disc golfers from Texas. Stephanie Vincent, Renae Farr and Krissie Fountain have started the first Women’s Disc Golf tour in the state of Texas. Four time world women’s world champion Des Reading is also part of the Wildflower Disc Golf Tour. We hope to catch up with Des for a separate future interview. We find out more about these ladies, and the growth they are forging for women disc golfers in TX and beyond!

When did you first start playing disc golf?

Renae– In 2015. But I played my first tournament in 2016 an all Women’s Disc Golf event (Texas Women’s Championship). That got me hooked into playing disc golf tournaments.

Stephanie- I threw my first disc Feb 2006 at Circle R in Wimberley. My first event was in April 2006 in Round Rock TX. It was a women’s only event called Texas Women’s Championship or TWC. Like Renae, I was hooked, I wanted to play all the time. We are lucky in Central TX to have such a supportive community for female athletes. 

Krissie – I started playing during the summer of 2013. My boyfriend at the time (now husband) had already been playing for a few years and knew of my softball background. He suggested on our 2nd or 3rd date that we go try it out together but he was nervous because he didn’t know what I would think of it. Obviously I fell in love instantly and it is now a huge part of our lives. He didn’t play in tournaments or anything like that so I basically took his fun hobby and cranked up the intensity by quite a few notches! We even got married on a disc golf ranch! 

How did you learn about disc golf?

Renae– I learned from watching my boyfriend Drew and his friends. After just walking as a spectator, I decided to give it a try a year or two later. With my athletic background, I knew I had to play especially when I learned about competitive disc golf like minis and then later, larger tournaments.

Stephanie- My friends in college played and it’s all they would talk about so if I wanted to stay friends I had to learn how to play lol. They already were connected in the community so it was easy to make friends and feel comfortable.  

Krissie – See above 🙂

For someone visiting the general Austin, TX area what are your 3 must play courses?

Renae – Flying Armadillo in San Marcos, Circle C and Roy G

Stephanie- The Ranch in Waelder TX,  Roy G and The Met

KrissieMoodeys (where I got married), Williamson County DGC, Northtown Disc Golf Course

Why are women’s specific disc golf tournaments and leagues important for women disc golfers?

Renae – It’s important to have women’s specific events because sometimes it’s the only way women get out there. An all women’s event is the entire reason I not only started playing disc golf tournaments, but also signed up as a PDGA  member. The other tournaments were intimidating to me at the time. It’s definitely a way to help build the sport and bring women together to support each other. 

Stephanie- The number one thing I hear women say is “I’m not very good”. We typically play with boyfriends, husbands and groups of guys so it’s hard to have a true gauge of our skill level.  When you bring women together and give them a chance to compete with similar skilled players it changes their outlook on competing, that’s where disc golfers are made.

Krissie – Women’s events are really the only time that we feel like disc golf is tailored to us. At women’s events, there is great attention to detail. It’s finally an event where women are put front and center. Providing a platform for women to feel empowered and confident is an important part of growing our side of the sport.  

What is one tip you would give to a new player for better results when putting?

Renae – Breath. Aim. Focus. Fire. These are the words I tell myself before putting. Most importantly for me is to breathe and focus. I have bad anxiety and a lot of inner head voices but when I remember these two things, I usually do not miss my putts.

 Stephanie- Breathing is so important and definitely underrated. I like to find my stance, get balanced and take a few deep breaths before every putt. Find a routine that works for you and stick with it but it all comes down to practice. 

Krissie – Sound like a broken record here, but breathing. One time my dad (who is an avid ball golfer) was watching me putt (and struggle tremendously) during a tournament. He noticed that I was holding my breath as I was putting and advised me to fire my putt at the end of my exhale. It was a game changer and I’ll never forget that piece of advice. 

Tell us more about Mint Discs please! Which drivers from Mint do you suggest amatuer women disc golfers should try?

Renae – I suggest the Freetail. It’s an understable fairway driver and is easy for anyone to throw. I like to shape shots with the Freetail, especially hyzer flips.

Krissie Mint is an Austin based company started by three friends, Guy Boyan, Zachery Jansen and Chris Hebert  in 2017. They initially operated out of a garage and started from zero dollars. Their flagship disc is the Alpha, a stable fairway driver that they built an entire fan base around before launching any new molds. In 5 years they have grown tremendously and are releasing some of the highest quality discs on the market. For women I would definitely recommend a Lobster! It is an understandable midrange that glides for days and tends to go as far as several of their fairway drivers!  

Stephanie- I think the perfect set up is a  Jackalope, Mustang and Royal Bullet. My favorites are the Grackle, Diamondback and the Mustang

2023 is the first year of the Wildflower Disc Golf tour. Where can people find the tour dates and locations?

www.wfdgt.com or follow our social media pages FB and Insta: Wildflower Disc Golf Tour

What inspired you to start the Wildflower Disc Golf tour?

We ran a very successful Women’s Global Event in May of 2021 and realized that we were a great team. We brought in over 70 women from all parts of Texas.This inspired us to run another all women’s event, The WTF Open (not a part of WGE) in April of 2022 and it was just as successful, plus we had so much fun running it. The WTF Open also brought in over 70 women and this is when we knew there was a bigger interest to have more women’s only events here in Texas. It was also really cool because all three of us were sponsored by the same manufacturer, Mint Discs, so we affectionately started referring to ourselves as The Wolfpack. With the backing of Mint and the support of the surrounding community, we knew we could make a successful tour possible. 

Do you have plans of expanding the Wildflower Disc Golf tour in future years?

Yes, our goal is to expand to other parts of Texas and eventually out of the State as well.

Everything is BIG in Texas! What is the biggest women’s disc golf event that out of state travelers should put on their calendar for this year or upcoming seasons?

The entire Wildflower Disc Golf Tour! But if we had to choose just one event it would definitely be The Capital of Texas Open (Women’s Weekend) in Austin, Texas as we were awarded an A-Tier (one of the only all women’s A Tiers in 2023). And in 2024 we won the bid and we will be hosting the U.S Women’s Disc Golf Championship in Round Rock, Texas!!!

February 2021 Lady of the Month Samantha Yanssens

When did you first discover and start playing disc golf?

I started casually playing in high school with friends and once I learned how to throw, I was hooked!  Joined the PDGA in 2013, fell in love with playing tournaments, met an amazing group of friends, and here we are almost a decade later!

What are your top 3 courses in Michigan?

Flip City

A beautiful course in Michigan with lots of elevation changes.    I have so many great memories there. I know if I’m going to play there I am going to have a great time.

Stony Creek Metropark

My home course, where I first started playing disc golf.  Long open holes that get rough off the fairway.  Most of the holes require execution of a long drive, upshot, and putt to get your par.

Addison Oaks

I love the technical wooded tunnel shots this course has.  Added with a nice mix of open holes, long and short.  It has a little bit of everything and is very challenging.

Michigan has a strong women’s disc golf scene. What is your favorite Michigan women’s disc golf event to play?

I’d have to say Disc Girls Gone Wild holds a special place in my heart, as it was my first women’s tournament I ever attended.  I met a ton of great ladies there, and always had such a blast!  It was also the first tournament I got to see touring FPO players at, and it was very inspiring as an amatuer player.

Do you throw forehand, backhand, or both?

 I started out forehand, and slowly developed my backhand.  I can comfortably throw both now, but am starting to prefer backhand shots because they feel less strenuous on my body.

If you could only throw hyzers or anyhyzers for the rest of your disc golf career, which would you choose?

I would say hyzers, they are most reliable for me.

What advice would you give to a new disc golfer?

Learn how to throw midranges and understable discs before fast drivers.  And just remember to have fun!

What is your go-to disc for wooded tunnel shots?

I love my Latitude 64 Gobi.  It has a ton of glide to it, and holds whatever line I put it on.

If you could have an official beverage of disc golf what would it be?

I have to go with coffee 🙂 Definitely need a cup to get me going before the round, and it’s great to have on a cold morning to keep you warmed up.

Putting, driving, or approaching which of these three would you say is your strongest disc golf skill?

 I’d say driving has always been one of my stronger skills.

You own and create Mitten Bags! They are mitten-shaped (after your home state of Michigan) and designed to keep your hands dry. Have you always been good at sewing and creating? Do you have any advice for someone who is a creator and wants to start a disc golf-related business?

My Grandma first taught me how to use a sewing machine when I was 4 years old, and I have been sewing ever since then!  I taught myself how to make clothes in high school, and have worked various sewing jobs throughout my life.  It has always been my biggest passion!  I launched Mitten Bags in July of 2017.  It took months of testing prototypes, different shapes, and materials until we found the mitten shape felt most comfortable in your hand.  I am very grateful to have grown to be where we are today. 

My advice to anyone looking to start their own disc golf related business is not to give up on your passion, and follow your dreams.  You can do whatever you put your mind to!


January 2021 Lady of the Month Emma Hanley

When did you first start playing disc golf?

I grew up in a disc golfing family, my dad started playing in 1975 (throwing at trees and garbage cans in a park in a very shady part of town on the south side of Birmingham, AL) and I was literally born on a disc golf course in Cherry Grove, OR. I started playing seriously in college in 1997, but it wasn’t until 2010 that I joined the PDGA and started competing in sanctioned events.

What are your 3 favorite courses in Oregon?

If you know anything about Oregon disc golf, then you’ve likely heard of Riverbend DGC at Milo McIver State Park, SO, I’m going to give my top three Milo not included, because it’s the default #1.  1. Old Oak Grove DGC at Champoeg State Park. 2. Pier Park in St. Johns 3. McCormick Park in St. Helen’s

If you could throw only anhyzers or hyzers for the rest of your disc golf career which would you choose?

Listen, I just throw straight, okay? Seriously, tho, I’m bad at both of those things, buuuuuut, if I had to pick, anhyzer, as long as it applies to both backhand and forehand because isn’t a forehand anhyzer similar to an anny backhand? I mean, they don’t call me Emma “doesn’t throw hyzer” Hanley for nothing (literally, no one calls me that, but I like to pretend that they do, one time one guy called me that like, 10 years ago).

What is your favorite advice to give to a new disc golfer?

Control before distance! But that’s probably because I don’t throw very far. Also, breathe OUT when you release, putts, drives, upshots, whatever, exhale on your release.

Upshots, putting or driving? Which of these are you most skilled in?

Upshots 💯 I truly don’t have a ton of distance off the tee, I just recently added 15-25 feet onto my drives, and that’s got me capping out at 240-250’ maybe 260’ if its crazy good, but I will generally park any upshot within 10 feet. Well, at least I did when I was in top golf shape. And that’s still the golfer I identify with.

Would more cats on disc golf courses enhance the ambiance of the course?

Listen, you know me and cats. So I want to say yes! But, during the pandemic I’ve become quite the birder, I even have started a lifelong bird list in my Roger Tory Peterson “A Field Guide to Western Birds” book, so I have to acknowledge that cats would really devastate the native bird populations. Who even am I?

If you could have a tee-off song what song would that be?

I’ve actually gotten to play an event where this was a thing (the now-defunct, but still one of the best events ever, Showdown in Shelton) and I chose Family Affair, by Mary J. Bilge one year and And She Was by the Talking Heads the next year. Today, no question, it would be 24 Kt by Bruno Mars #hashtagblessed

What is your favorite snack for the disc golf course?

Cheese, crackers and salamis, and bonus bacon, OBVIOUSLY. But I go all out. Earlier this year I was regularly making bagel sandwiches with cream cheese, fig jam, bacon, and capers. Apple slices. Hi-Chews. CheezIts. I take my snacks very seriously.

If you could have an official beverage of disc golf what would it be?

These are like, the really hard-hitting questions. As a professional mixologist, barista, and craft beer super snob, I’m definitely gonna have to go with WATER. HA! Didn’t see that one coming, didya?

You have recently teamed up with a few prominent disc golf women to start the #respectHERgame movement. People who follow women’s disc golf understand the need for this increased awareness and respect of women disc golfers. What does the #respectHERgame Movement mean to you?

I’ve never felt more at home, more joy, than when I’m on a golf course. My dad wrote me a song called “Golf in the Kingdom” and it’s also a book, about ball golf, but it applies to why we play and the spiritual journey that is a round of golf.

Disc golf is accessible in ways that traditional golf isn’t. Anyone, at any level, can play it and be successful. I want every person in this world to feel at home, the way I do, on a golf course. And unfortunately, women and girls are often looked over and disregarded in sports.

There is work to be done at so many levels, and some of them are really sad and scary and related to women actually being assaulted on disc golf courses. And some are super simple and basic, like welcoming a female player at your local league night as you would any other new player, or not automatically giving advice to a woman because maybe she’s been playing longer and has advice for you, to tournament infrastructure offering bathrooms and women’s appropriate player’s packs, to promoting women in the media based on their athleticism and skills NOT their appearance.

Disc golf is actually well ahead of many sports in showing respect for their women athletes and that’s a very positive and important thing to focus on and highlight and continue to promote. But the reality is, 10 years ago when I was a member of the newly reborn PDGA Women’s Committee, we were at 7% of the total PDGA membership, and I’m pretty sure that that hasn’t actually changed. There’s a reason for that, and I don’t think it’s out of line to suggest it is because women don’t always feel welcome nor supported. If someone says something makes them uncomfortable, listen to them and believe them. Be kind. Be polite. Give women space and a place in your disc golf community.

Learn more about the #respectHERgame movement on the RHG website.

Use code ERH15PCT to save 15% On Your Next Order

May 2020 Lady of the Month: Tina Oakley

I met Tina Oakley on the side of a hill during a torrential downpour in Madison, WI at the Elver Disc Golf Course. The date was August 15, 2015, which also was the date that the Ladies First Disc Golf website opened for the first time. We were excited to meet each other since we were both small business owners and originally from Wisconsin. Tina was at the beginning of her life on tour in 2015 and has since expanded her disc golf adventures on the road with her husband Eric. She is the owner of Whale Sacs which are handmade whale-shaped sacs to keep your hands dry. Tina is a sponsored member of the following teams Dynamic Discs and Birdie Fuel Coffee. 

What was your disc golf turning point?

I was living in Portland, OR only for a short time when the 2014 Disc Golf World Championships came through. I was watching the FPO women play disc golf on my local courses while I was at work (at a bank, on my phone on Youtube) and desperately wanted to be doing the same thing- traveling and playing disc golf every day.  After some financial planning (and working extra hard) I figured out how to pay off my debt, buy an RV, and hit the road as an amateur disc golfer. This all happened because of Catrina Allen, Paige Pierce, Ragna Bygde & Ohn Scoggins, all of whom I’ve now played with or call a friend. Looking back, 2014 Tina was soooo excited to be able to watch those women play amazing golf, I don’t know if my life path would have been the same without Portland Worlds.


What is the best thing about being on tour as a professional disc golfer in your RV?Tina and Eric Oakley

I’d probably have to say the adventures and natural beauties that are experienced because of traveling and that generally also includes adventures with my friends. I LOVE disc golf of course and being able to play in every state or other countries is amazing, but my favorite thing about being at those new courses is usually the scenery, the adventure leading up to those courses, and the beauty in between tournaments.


What is the worst thing about being on a tour as a professional disc golfer in your RV? 

 The worst thing is probably the lack of consistency. Routines are extremely hard to come by on tour. The tournament days are all different, where we stay every weekend is different so some things are available one week and not the next (laundry, showers, gyms, friends) so it’s hard to make a schedule. Plus part of the perk of our lives is we don’t HAVE a set schedule so I’m reluctant to make TOO much structure because then I’ll miss out on the fun spontaneous things too like a hike or waterfall trip or breakfast invite, etc. because of a made-up schedule. Maybe that sounds silly but some months just remembering to wash my face before bed (or being able to) is impossible.

Do you have any hobbies outside of disc golf?

So many, how much time do you have?  My grandparents and dad are extremely creative, do it yourself type people and I am no exception. I LOVE working with my hands and don’t really enjoy NOT doing anything. Even when I’m at the beach, I’m still picking shells and making castles, not just laying in the sand. I garden (now that we own a house) which is something Jenny and I get to talk about! I have been making epoxy minis and rings, I like board games, movies, sewing, creating furniture now that we have a house or remodeling and some Pinterest projects for decorating. A lot of you probably know I make videos for my YouTube and for Dynamic Discs as well. You name it, I either do it or want to do it.

If you could have anyone in the whole world as your doubles partner who would you choose? 

Erika Stinchcomb. She’s my favorite disc golf partner!

 You have traveled to many courses while on tour. What is a course you haven’t played yet that you would like to? 

Flip City in Michigan. It’s one I’d heard about back when I was still tracking all my courses played on dgcoursereview and still haven’t gotten to!

You’re a Wisconsin girl too! What is one thing you miss about Wisconsin? 

Other than spotted cow or my family?! Maybe the familiarity of a place that I spent so much time in? I miss knowing where roads lead without a GPS and knowing where certain stores, friends and favorite parks are. I do NOT miss the winters, the summer bugs seem to be about the same here in Florida, but I guess I could say I miss the first snowfall, that is a magical time…but only the first one. ;p

Were other animals considered when you started Whale Sacs? Or were Whales the number 1 choice from the get-go? 

Whales 100%. I did make one that accidentally looked like a rabbit but I wasn’t trying. 


If you could have an official beverage of disc golf what would it be?

Can I be boring and say water? I am a different person when I remember to stay hydrated. I play better, focus better, and more important my body feels better and performs better!

You jumped right into tour life shortly after playing disc golf competitively. Do you have any advice for people who are thinking of going on tour full or part-time? 

Just DO it. What I learned was there will always be excuses not to do something and always reasons not to but it’s the people that took a risk despite not being 100% comfortable. They are the ones living their dreams and doing big things. If touring is your dream, DO IT, even if that means just for a month as a test run or maybe even plan a year, whatever looks like, you can always go back to normal life if it doesn’t work out.

Follow and Support  Tina:

Whale Sacs Facebook

WhalePants Facebook


WhalePants YouTube


Are you interested in being featured as Lady of the Month?

We would love to help tell your disc golf story! Whether you an experienced disc golfer with stories to tell or a new disc golfer bursting with excitement we would love to feature you! Fill out  Lady of the Month application here

February 2020 Lady of the Month: Alexsandra Chavez

When did you start playing disc golf?

I began playing disc golf 6 years ago. My partner took me on a hike through the Redwood National Forest in northern California. He brought along a bag of discs and threw them through the trees towards metal baskets. It took a couple of months before I threw my first disc. At first, I just tagged along because most of the courses were often on scenic hiking trails with amazing views! Once I began playing it was difficult to tag along without also playing. Hiking without throwing discs became super boring! I’ve been hooked ever since. Shoutout to my partner, Diego Alvarado, for introducing me to this awesome sport! 

Do you coordinate any women’s disc golf happenings? Leagues, tournaments or other things to promote women’s disc golf?

In 2018 I began Empowered Disc Golf, a sports media company focused on developing content to empower women to participate in disc golf. Participation does not always have to be competing. It can be utilizing your skills of photography, graphic design, event planning, crafting or the number of other skills I didn’t mention! 

Since then Empowered Disc golf has evolved into an amazing community of women empowering women, with the first Crew of Catalysts including; Kate Berger, Madison Tomaino, Nikki Nash, Caley Allen, and Alyssa Martinez.

For the 2020 season, we are focused on growing our sport by empowering women to host their first disc golf event. Whether it is a disc golf clinic, putting league, sanctioned or unsanctioned tournament. Resources to come!

I will also be hosting Throw Like A Girl – 2020 Women’s Global Event Presented by Empowered Disc Golf on the Big Island of Hawaii on May 9th! Information can be found on Discgolfscene.com or our website Empowereddiscgolf.com. We have a number of side activities planned for those traveling to the state for the first time! The Discation begins with an adventure through the Volcano National Park, then a Doubles tournament (So your partner agrees to come along!), Followed by Throw Like a Girl, Celebrated with a Snorkle BBQ & Dolphin Cruise, and finished off by with a relaxing evening on a beach in Hawaii. 

More information on optional side events to come! Any questions contact us at EmpoweredDiscGolf@gmail.com!

Backhand, Forehand or both?

Righty Backhand dominant, Lefty Backhand backup 

What is your biggest personal accomplishment in disc golf?

This is a tough question to answer! I have had so many amazing opportunities, it’s hard to choose! I have been able to collaborate with a number of inspiring women, produced footage of the 2018 Beaver State Fling, have worked to grow Empowered Disc Golf into a strong community, and assisted in building the new 6 hole Kona Disc Golf Course. I feel my biggest personal accomplishment in disc golf is yet to come. 

If you could only play with 3 discs for the rest of your disc golf life which 3 would you choose?

  1. Legacy Pinnacle Rival
  2. Latitude 64 Opto Ruby
  3. Westside Burst Harp

What are your top 3 courses?

Redwood Curtain DGC – Arcata, CA

Waterloo DGC – Waterloo, OR

Gargoyles Garden – Mountain View, HI

What is the best part of playing disc golf in Hawaii?

Summer disc golf year-round!  


If you could have an official beverage of disc golf what would you choose?


Do you have any specific goals for your 2020 Throw Like a Girl WGE in Hawaii?

For the women who attend the tournament to have fun and unforgettable memories! It will be the first Women’s Global Event I host. And also the first women’s only tournament so overall my goals are to ensure we all have a good time regardless of how many of us attend!

How can people learn more about Empowered Disc Golf?

Follow us on social media @EmpoweredDiscGolf! Find us on Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube! Keep an eye on our website www.EmpoweredDiscGolf.com! Also, you can contact us at EmpoweredDiscGolf@gmail.com for collaboration opportunities or with any questions! 

January 2020 Lady of the Month Tracey Lopez

When did you first start playing disc golf? How did you get interested in the sport?

I first played disc golf back in Colorado in the mid-90’s when a friend took several of us out and just let us borrow his discs. I played in Keen sandals with a disc in one hand and a Fat Tire in the other. It was just a fun day out in the sun.

I didn’t get my own disc and start playing regularly until 2000 when the Park & Rec Dept I worked for put in an 11-hole course. I thought since I was a Rec/Wellness Coordinator I should get to know the sport so I could be a resource to the community about the new amenity.

Being a former Jr High/HS athlete, I was instantly addicted to figuring out the technique and the challenge of getting that silly frisbee in the basket. That addiction and love of the sport led to running junior leagues, youth & adult clinics, course work & design, and planning & coordination of the 2009 USWDGC in the Quad Cities. During that time I played competitively and won USWDGC in the Intermediate division and tied for 2nd in Advanced another year, turned pro, loved disc golf, hated disc golf, loved it again, and the best part is I met some amazing women who are now life long friends. I heart disc golf!

If you could only play with 3 discs for the rest of your disc golf career, which 3 would they be?

Jade, Buzz, and Envy. I can shape each of those discs to do what I want, and have a lot of trust in those.

If you could have anyone in the world as your doubles partner, who would you choose?

My first choice would be my Bestie and doubles partner of 18 years, Kathy Betcher (Team Red Hot, Team Hot Stuff forever!).

My 2nd choice would be my “adopted daughter”, Vanessa Van Dyken because she is a badass disc golfer and an amazing human being.

What is the best way to get more women playing disc golf?

Oh my gosh, if I had the perfect answer we would be way more than 8% of the sport. Mind you, 20 years ago we were 7% of the sport.  Even though we have a lot more women playing in general, overall we are still just a small part.


I think over the past decade we have really seen an increase in women due to so many women’s leagues, women’s only tournaments, mixed doubles events, and the Women’s Global. In all honesty, I think the 2020’s might need to be the decade of “retainage”. Or what we can do to KEEP all these women discers in the sport. Maybe we need to ask that question now and start moving in that direction. This will be my 20th year in the sport, and there are so many people I know who are not playing anymore. Let’s find out how to keep them.

You have traveled throughout the US to play disc golf. What courses are you most eager to go back and play?

My favorite course to play and return to every other year is the temp course at Purple Park in Superior, Colorado for the Rocky Mountain Women’s Championships. It is a stunning park and the layout is challenging yet enjoyable with birdie opportunities.

What is your best tip for someone playing in their first tournament?

You’re going to be nervous; try to relax, don’t set too many expectations, have fun, and ask a lot of questions. Don’t be afraid to speak up if you have questions on rules/procedures. We were all a newbie at one point, and 99% of players will be kind and helpful.

Do you attend any women-only disc golf events? If so, what are your favorite women’s only events to attend?

I love to play women’s only events! They are like music festival environments, and the course layouts are friendly & fun. My favs are the Wisco Disco in Wisconsin, Diva Spring Feeva in Kansas City, and the Rocky Mtn Women’s Championships in Colorado.

Do you have any dream or destination courses/countries you would like to play disc golf in the future?

I would love to play in Finland, especially The Beast. I am hoping to hit the WGE in Hawaii or the USWDGC in California this year.  So one of those will be crossed off the list.

If you could have an official beer of disc golf what would it be? 

It would have to be a beer from Bevel Craft Brewing, like Iron Leaf DIPA (thank you Gregg Barsby for sharing) or their First Run IPA.

You have been playing disc golf for 20 years! Your cool, calm and kind demeanor on and off the course makes you a great card mate and competitor.  What are your keys to longevity in being active in participating in disc golf? Any tips for people who are looking for lost motivation to continue playing and/or competing?

I believe everyone joins and plays the sport for different reasons. And I can’t tell you how many times I threatened to quit the sport. But here is what I remember: I play because I crave the competitive juices from my youth; I play to be outdoors in nature all day; I play for the social aspect with so many amazing friends; I play because ultimately we are all a part of the heart of disc golf–the LOVE. When you are feeling like you want to quit, you have had enough of the sport, just go back and remember what you love about disc golf.










August 2019 Ladies of the Month: Melody, Aria and Haley Castruita

Melody, Aria and Haley Castruita are a trio of sisters who disc golf from Spicewood, TX. Their father John Castruita PDGA #42756 has been a PDGA member since 2010 and has made disc golf a family affair!
All three sisters competed in the 2019 PDGA Junior Worlds in Emporia, KS and came away from the event with top finishes in the event.
Melody Castruita #50171 placed 1st in the Junior Girls 18 and under category and has past first place finishes in her local PDGA Women’s Global Event from 2014,2016 & 2018.
Aria Castruita #105126 placed 2nd in the highly competitive Junior Girls 15 and under at the 2019 PDGA Worlds and was also the 1st place winner of her local WGE for the Junior Girls 12 and under division.
The youngest of the siblings Haley Castruita #105127 placed 1st in the Junior Girls 12 and under division at the 2019 Junior World Championships. 2019 is Haley’s first year of competing with which she has earned 6 victories out of 9 events!
These young ladies are the future of the sport and recently all signed sponsorship deals with the Trilogy companies: Dynamic Discs, Latitude 64 & Westside Discs.

Who introduced you to disc golf?

Our dad introduced and taught us disc golf.

How long has each sister been playing?

Melody has been playing for nine years, Aria eight years, and Haley seven years.

What is each of your favorite drivers?

Melody’s favorite driver is the DD Lucid Air Captain. Aria’s is the Lat Ballista Pro. Haley’s is the Westside Stag

Do you play a lot on summer break? Do you play all year?

Yes, we play all year. We are home schooled and for gym, we play 18 holes on our property. The front nine are 20 to 30 ft. shots. The back nine are 75 to 150 ft. shots.

What is your biggest disc golf accomplishment?

Melody’s biggest accomplishment was winning the PDGA 2019 Disc Golf World Championships Junior Girls 18 & Under. Aria’s was winning the Women’s Global Event 2016 & 2018. Haley’s was winning the PDGA 2019 Disc Golf World Championships Junior Girls 12 & Under.

Do you have any role models from the disc golf community?

Yes, Stephanie Vincent has really supported us and the local disc golf community. She always encourages us to do our best and is very positive.

Do you have other hobbies or sports you play outside of disc golf?

We like to play mini disc golf and love to draw. Also, we play guitar and piano and sing. We play Christian songs and perform at retirement and rehabilitation centers.

Is there any sibling rivalry on the course?

We are competitive with each other but we support and encourage each other, too.

Does having your family on the course help to motivate or encourage you in any way?

Of course! Our mom and dad are great caddies and always encourage us. We always enjoy playing a round with them.

If you could have an official snack of disc golf what would it be?

We all like eating trail mix.

Do you have any advice for young players who are just starting to play disc golf?

The main thing is to have fun and play as much as you can. Start off with a few discs and get familiar with those. The more you play, the better you’ll get. Find others that love to play disc golf and practice with them. If you can, play with disc golfers that are really good and learn from them.

July 2019: Nikki Nash A Chick Chasing Chains

Nikki Nash PDGA#77454  is a professional disc golfer residing in Houston, TX she hosts a women’s disc golf league in Texas: Chick’s Chasing Chains.  Nikki began playing PDGA tournaments in 2015 competing in the amateur divisions. As of 2019 she has made the leap from amateur to professional to challenge herself and learn more from the best in the game. For making the jump from amateur to pro Nikki says “Taking a chance of moving up to FPO this year. It’s been a rough one, riddled with some injury, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I’ve met, and played with, so many amazing women. I can’t wait to see who I have the pleasure of meeting next!” Texas is known to have a strong disc golf scene, and the state has been a pioneer for women’s disc golf.  Nikki hosts the Chick’s Chasing Chains women’s disc golf league in Houston, TX Wednesday’s with varying sessions throughout the year. To find more out about Chick’s Chasing Chains, join their group on Facebook.


How did you learn about disc golf, and when did you start playing?

I learned about disc golf from a friend in 2015.  I just walked with our group of friends for a while, but eventually picked up a Boss.  Once I finally had a decent throw I was hooked! 

Do you throw forehand or backhand?

Backhand.  I’m trying to force myself to learn forehand and work it into my game this year.  The progress has been…slow. 

 If you could give a new player starting out 1 tip of advice what would it be?

Learn to throw your mids and putters first.  I didn’t learn this and struggle with throwing them off the box.


If you could only play with 3 discs for the rest of your life, what 3 discs would they be?

Millennium Sirius Scorpius, Discraft Titanium Buzzz & Gateway Money Wizard

Everything’s big in Texas…so why is disc golf so big in Texas?

We have so much extra land to be used!  That makes it much easier to put in new courses. We’re also very proud and competitive people which helps keep the sport so popular here. 

 If you could have an official beverage of disc golf what would it be?

Definitely Karbach Crawford Bock (Go Astros!)

Karbach is a supporter of disc golf and they host an annual doubles tournament in Houston too!  

 Fill in the blank disc golf is ___________.


 If you could have anyone in the whole world as a partner for a doubles round of disc golf who would it be?

That’s such a tough question.  I’d have to choose Chef Andrew Zimmern simply because I really enjoy cooking and I would get to meet one of my favorite celebrity chefs. 

Andrew Zimmern is a member of the Innova Celebrity team. Photo courtesy Innova Disc Golf

 What is your favorite thing about disc golf?

My favorite thing about disc golf has got to be the connections and friendships I’ve made (and will make).  It forced me to step outside of my comfort zone and meet people that I wouldn’t have otherwise. I’ve made what I think will be some lifelong friendships and valuable connections. 


You host a women’s league in Houston, TX called Chicks Chasing Chains, that is very well attended! What do you think are the most important factors that contribute to your league’s success? 

I’ve thought about this before and three very important factors have helped immensely. 

1 – The lovely ladies that play in the league.  They are all so friendly, welcoming, and outgoing.  When you meet them you want to return and get to know each of them better.

2 – Our format.  We keep our league low cost and only take your top 3 scores out of 6 weeks.  Your entry fee is already taken care of on the first week and it’s easier to return to cancel out any bad rounds. 

3 – The Houston Disc Golf Scene.  Every single club in the Houston area is very open to and supportive of women’s disc golf.  My closet is overflowing with disc and CTP donations for the ladies all the time!



June Lady of the Month: Podcaster Extraordinaire Becca Kephart

Becca Kephart PDGA member #94101 is an amateur disc golfer residing in Kansas City. Originally from Colorado this disc golf lady loves following the stats and cheering for the women of disc golf! In 2018 Becca started the Ladies of the Chains Disc Golf podcast. The first disc golf podcast that focuses on All Things Women’s Disc Golf. Continue reading for 10 questions with this most excellent musician, disc golfer and podcaster extraordinaire

When and where did you first start playing disc golf?

I very first started playing disc golf in 2004 when I was newly married and had just moved to Fort Collins, Colorado. It’s funny because I don’t even remember what or who first introduced me to the sport.  The Edora course was only about a half mile from our apartment and I wanted to play all the time even though I was terrible and had no idea what I was doing. We moved farther from the course in 2006, and I only played very rarely until my dad came to visit me in Kansas City in 2016. We had a day with no plans and I had driven by Rosedale a bunch of times and thought it would be fun to give disc golf another try. I still had my few discs (they were super moldy and needed to be bleach washed) but once we had played a few holes I was hooked again and sad I’d ever stopped playing. When we got back from the course I did a Facebook search and found the Kansas City Disc Golf Divas. The rest is history.

Do you prefer technical wooded courses or long open courses?

I love courses that have a mixture of both. I don’t throw super far, so long courses are not my favorite. But I like courses that mix in holes that I might have a chance to score on with more difficult holes. Recreation Park in Raymore, MO is one of my favorite courses because it gives me a chance to throw a bunch of different shots, but at distances I can handle.

If you could have anyone in the world be your doubles partner who would you choose?

This is such a tough question!!! If I had to pick one, I’ll go with Elaine King. She’s so good and knows the game so well. She also throws the same plastic as I do, so I feel like I’d be able to pick up some extra tips.

Best Tip for someone playing in their first disc golf tournament?

Everyone is nervous and awkward! I remember at my first tournament thinking I was the only one who felt uncomfortable and a little lonely. But the co-TD Rhonda Crosby had sent out a wonderful email the night before saying that everyone would be nervous and that we were about to make a bunch of friends. She couldn’t have been more right. Some of the women I met that day are great disc golf friends now. I found the most wonderful friends and community, it just took a minute. And you’ll probably score way worse than you expect, but that’s ok.

What are your 3 favorite courses in the Kansas City area?

  1. Rosedale (Kansas City, KS)- it’s my home course and where I found disc golf again.
  2. Bad Rock Creek (Liberty, MO) -I just started playing this course recently, but it’s got a ton of variety. 
  3. Recreation Park (Raymore, MO)- The design of this course makes me feel like what I think the pros feel like when they walk up to a hole. If I throw the shot right, I have a chance to make the green on most holes. But they’re not all “easy” shots.

Rosedale Down Under Photo Courtesy: Dg Course Review

If you could travel to anywhere in the whole world to play disc golf where would you go?

Finland! I’m trying to convince my husband that’s a good destination for our 20 year anniversary. Maybe we can bounce around Europe a bit and I can play in the Tyyni.

Would you rather play in rain & warm temps or wind and high temps over 90 degrees?

Despite all the rain I’ve had to play in so far this year, I will always say rain! I learned last year that playing in heat and sun wears me out so much faster. For that reason I’m not playing any 2 round in one day events in June and July to hopefully give myself the best chance to play well.

If you could have an official beverage of disc golf what would it be?

Recently I’ve discovered my best after round drink is tomato juice. Weird right? But the combo of salt, potassium, and vitamin C is a great recovery drink.

Do you attend any leagues? If so want to give a shout out to them?

I have a job where I work in the afternoons and evenings, so I actually don’t get to make a lot of leagues. My schedule recently changed and I will have Fridays off, so I’m looking forward to checking out some of the Friday leagues! But shout out to the Kansas City Disc Golf Divas league, they are the absolute bestest.

You host and produce the Ladies of the Chains Podcast. We were excited when we discovered your podcast! Do you have a favorite guest or episode? How can people support your podcast?

I am so thankful for the content we’ve been able to put out! I’m truly indebted to my co-hosts and all the guests we’ve had. Without them, the podcast wouldn’t exist. And selfishly it’s made me a better golfer! I can’t pick a favorite episode, but I can say a number of episodes have surprised me with how good they turned out. I never know what a guest will have to say, but it’s always so interesting and I’m again so grateful for the people that have taken the time to speak with me. To support the podcast visit ladiesofthechains.com and click on the support button to be linked to our Patreon. There’s also a link where you can purchase a t-shirt, hat, or mini.

We have to give a huge thank you to Becca for asking Ladies First Disc Golf owner Jenny San Filippo to be a guest on the Ladies of The Chains Podcast! We recently did an episode and covered Fears of Disc Golf, you can listen by clicking here https://www.ladiesofthechains.com/fears-on-the-coursethe-state-of-fpo 


Would you like to be featured as the Lady of the Month?

When we started our Lady of the Month articles our intentions were to interview women and girls from all aspects of the disc golf community. We have been able to interview world champion disc golfers, tournament & league directors,  business owners, amateur champions and media personalities!

Lately we have been inconsistent in posting our Lady of the Month articles. We hope you can help us change that! If you would like to be featured as a Lady of the Month fill out this form with some information about yourself.

January 2019 Lady of the Month: Katie Holbrook

Katie Holbrook PDGA #62587 is a lady disc golfer originally from Columbus, OH now living in Nashville, TN. Katie has tremendous power with her drives and smooth form. Katie placed 1st in 2015 at the Amateur Championships at Bowling Green in the Recreational Women’s Division. You can find Katie crushing her Innova discs in the Advanced and Pro Women’s divisions. She is a member of the Innova Ambassador Team, Team Whale Sacs, Flyin Colors Disc Golf, Black Monocle Discs. Katie has been on our team of Sparkle Sisters since the very beginning of our team in 2016, as of January 2019 she is our team hype lady and Sparkle Captain!

January 2019 Lady of the Month: Katie Holbrook

How did you learn about disc golf? When did you start playing?

 Some friends who played casually. My brother Nate bought me my first DX Leopard.

What is your favorite course in Ohio?

The Twilight Zone. (A privately owned discgolf course by Chuck Custer and Maureen Miller)

What is your favorite course in Tennessee? 

Harmon Hills in Fall Branch, TN

Hole 1 Harmon Hills
Photo Courtesy: DG Course Review

Best advice for female player who wants to increase their distance on their drives?

To throw slightly lighter, less stable discs

What is your favorite disc golf event or experience?

That’s hard…Probably playing The Nantucket Open last year or working the USDGC

What are your 3 favorite discs from Innova?

Teebird, Leopard, and a Valkyrie

If you could have an official beer or beverage of disc golf what would it be?

Coffee. Iced latte preferably. I love espresso.

In the day hours you are a magician with hair styling. What is your favorite part of being a hairstylist?

Making people feel better about themselves leaving than when they came in

If you could have a tee off song for 2019, what song would it be?

Run the World (Girls) by Beyoncé

You are a member of a few disc golf teams (Innova, Whale Sacs, Black Monocle Discs and Flyin Colors) including our team of Sparkle Sisters. As of 2019 you are the official team captain, also known as Sparkle Captain! Why is growing women’s disc golf important  to you?

It is important to grow women’s disc golf me, because the more women that play and compete, the more likely other women will join. It’s so motivating and comforting all at the same time.  Ladies leagues, clinics, and women only tournaments are fantastic ways to get ladies involved.