When did disc golf find you?
I probably threw my first disc in the spring of 2006. Tracey Lopez and Kathy Betcher would drag me to Eastern Park and would put discs in my hand, saying try this one then this one until eventually I ended up with a Millennium Orion, Innova ROC and a JK Avair (which I still putt with). In 2009 the Quad Cities got the bid for the United States Women’s Disc Golf Championships and it being the first year the Recreational division was included they (Tracey and Kathy) talked me into playing. With only one tourney under my belt I ended up winning my first tournament.
Driving, approaching or putting? What is the strongest part of your disc golf game?
Approach as of the 2017 season. It seems every year I have a good grasp on one aspect of the game whether it be putting, driving and or approach. I strive for the day my brain and body collide to have a well-rounded game. The game of disc golf has you constantly improving all aspects of the game simultaneously so you can’t just focus on one without still honing in the skills of the others.
It is a fact that you and your lovely wife Tracey are dedicated to traveling to various states to play disc golf for various reasons. What states would you like to travel to play disc golf in that you haven’t yet been to?
Oregon without a doubt. I see Val Doss always posting on Facebook about the scenery and camping up there so why not get a round in with her while visiting a gorgeous state. If you were curious Alaska would be next.
In your opinion what disc or type of disc should every disc golf lady have in her bag?
A putter!! I can’t believe how many ladies still don’t know how to use a putter. In my DOLLs group I try to promote the use of a putter. Why not-Stability. Isn’t that what every lady needs in her life?
What is your best advice for people who just started playing disc golf?
Do not give up. I know you feel intimidated but someday with practice and determination you to will be driving that far and making all those putts. And I always say, ”Any given Sunday”
Fill in the blank disc golf is: family.

Sparkle Sisters at UWSDGC 2017
What are your 3 favorite courses in Iowa?

Pickard Park Hole 5. Photo courtesy DG Course Review
If you had to name an official beer of disc golf, what would it be?
Bevel, of course. Made by, drank by and loved by disc golfers.
If you could have anyone in the whole world as a partner for a doubles round of disc golf who would it be?
Barrett White, without a doubt. If you know us you wouldn’t even question it.
You placed 2nd in the Female Advanced Masters division of the PDGA 2017 Amatuer Worlds competition, congrats we are impressed! Do your 2018 plans include competing in the 2018 Amateur Worlds competition in North Carolina? Or do you have other aspirations for 2018?
Thank you. I do not plan on attending Worlds. I have played the last two Worlds and it requires a lot of vacation time.
Tracey and I have thrown around the idea of playing more of the tournaments where our friends are. You know the tournaments that every year you say, “Gosh, that tournament looked like a lot of fun. Maybe next year I should try to make that one”. I played three Majors this year and I truly feel I missed seeing a lot of my friends. Sometime this year I hope to get my feet wet and run a tournament of my own. I hope to make it an all ladies tourney – so I hope to see some of you gals here in the Quad Cities.