I’ve always been a scared-y cat.
When I was about 5 or 6 years old I was Upnorth (Northern Wisconsin for anyone not familiar with the term “Upnorth”) visiting my granny like we did every summer. We were at a small amusement park of sorts which had a train that ran through the park. Little did I know that this wasn’t a normal peaceful train ride.
During the train ride robbers come to rob the guests on the train. Obviously the train robbers were actors, as we were at an amusement park. However, it was not obvious to young Jenny that they were not really robbing the train. When the train robbers approached our train car, I panicked and started balling my eyes out. My mom had to carry me off the train as I could just not grasp that I was not in danger and that it was all in my head. Since I was being a scared-y cat it was a good time ruined by unnecessary fear that I created in my mind.
The only thing to fear is fear itself.
Fear is a powerful emotion and your brain is a powerful organ. Together if you don’t face your fear or over power your mind, you will let fear ruin a lot of good times for you.
The decision to quit…
Early this year I made a decision that I would quit my full time job as the operations manager at Holland Bulb Farms.

Me, in full Operations Manager Mode.
I made this decision in January and the main reason was to focus more on Ladies First Disc Golf. Although fear of change, and the comfort of a steady job had been holding me back from this decision for a couple of years. I planned for 6 months before I decided I would pick a quit date and tell my boss of my plans. It was nice having time to prep, but it also gave me a lot of time to think.
As I got closer to the day I planned to tell my boss my decision and plans–there were a mix of emotions. I was excited for a new opportunity, but also terrified of what may happen. Fear was a strong emotion I was feeling prior to my planned quit date.
Initially I feared my boss’s reaction–would he be upset? Would he react poorly and send me packing that very day? Since I made this decision, planned and wrote it down in my dream book I couldn’t back down. I had to face my fears.
To some people quitting a job may be a sweet victory or a relief. For me I held this position for 8 years and have a bit of a loyalty complex, I have a habit of being dependable. Quitting was more than letting my boss down, it was also the fear of losing out on what I had and the fear of the unknown.

I knew I had the ability to practice putt at work, that was a bonus!
I knew what I had at my current job, but was feeling stagnant. I had to change–I had to challenge myself. I had to run directly into the fear of failure, disappointment and embrace being uncomfortable.

Lunch Break Disc Golf Was Something I Always Looked Forward To!
It was the only way I could grow, develop and attain what I really wanted.
The day I told my boss, I was a ball of nerves the entire morning. Even with the preparation and knowing my boss is a level headed and kind person, I was still in fear. When I started the conversation that day with my boss early into the conversation all my fears diminished. He was excited for me and understood my reasons for my decision. He was even nice enough to agree to keep employed part time, in a new role as Garden Expert. After all that worrying, and letting fear rule me for quite some time over this choice the outcome was greater than I could have ever imagined.

On my last day as Operations Manager July 27th, 2018
Fear and limiting beliefs in disc golf.
At this point you may be wondering how does this relate to disc golf (other than the fact I will have more time to dedicate to Ladies First Disc Golf) Well, fear may be limiting you from reaching your full potential or experiencing all that disc golf has to offer.
If you fear putting on an elevated basket you’re less likely to become good at making those putts. Step outside your comfort zone and go for it next time you encounter an elevated basket.
Maybe you are a backhand dominant player and need to learn to throw forehand but fear looking silly. Perhaps you fear throwing less than 5′ and into the ground. To overcome this practice only forehand for several rounds.

Lady of the Month Eleanor looking awesome throwing a forehand off the tee!
It may be uncomfortable and your scores may be higher during those rounds.

Sarah Hokom the BEST forehand thrower in the FPO division.
Over time you will get over those feelings of discomfort and throwing flat and with more accuracy.

Sparkle Sister Sara Lamberson Approaching with a forehand.
Want more tips on the basics of forehand and backhand throws? Check out this article from Discgolf4women.com
Fear may also be preventing you from meeting new people in disc golf. If you are afraid of meeting new people at a ladies league or tournament you are more than likely missing out on creating some life long friendships.
Remember we were all new once, and all most likely had that same feeling of fear and not fitting in.
Perhaps you have been playing tournaments and have been crushing it in the division you have been playing in. If your rating is closer the high end cut off and you are dominating those divisions perhaps it is time to try playing in a higher division. Maybe you fear losing and not keeping up with more skilled players. After all winning and being the most skilled player on your card is much more comfortable than the opposite. However, growth and learning often does not come from a place of comfort.
To truly elevate your game and reach your full potential you must challenge yourself and risk being uncomfortable. Step up your game, face the fear of losing and potential embarrassment and step into a place of growth!
The time is now, embrace fear and the feelings of discomfort.
If you are making excuses for in disc golf–you are most likely making these excuses as you are afraid and don’t want to feel uncomfortable. I know this because I am a scared-y cat who makes excuses to not feel uncomfortable. But I am working on becoming a fearless lioness, who doesn’t let fear stop me from doing cool things and meeting new people. Life is meant to be lived, so go out and live it! If you are contemplating or holding your self back–just get up and go do it! Worst case scenario is you learn something new.